This Is Why!

"I tell you the truth, whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me." Matthew 25:40

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Special Rewards!

At the end of each school year we get the kids a special
prize. They work so hard all year long that we feel they should be rewarded.

This year Iris chose a new bike. Since she isn't into "pink" anymore she chose one her new favorite blue! No streamers or characters on this bike...she's way too big for that!

And this is what Asa chose...
JUST KIDDING! This is Kelly's new "toy"...he traded some work for this...don't you love it! No I'm not going to be worried sick about him out riding this with Asa!!! Please pray for my boys to be safe!
Asa did choose a much safer gift...DS game and a new lunch box for Kindergarten!