This Is Why!

"I tell you the truth, whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me." Matthew 25:40

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why I Love My Job!

There are many reasons I love being a mom but when my children just do something out of the blue to make me happy...I can't help but smile! Our kids make all kinds of things for us at school or church because the teacher tells them to(which is great)...but when your child takes time on their own to make something for means even more. This morning I was in the kitchen doing dishes and Iris Anne just came in and handed me this piece of paper...not for any special reason...that's what made it so sweet. For her to take a couple of minutes out of her Saturday morning to actually think about going and getting a piece of paper to write me a note on just makes my heart melt! Knowing your kids love you is the best feeling!

Thank you Iris for making my day!