This Is Why!

"I tell you the truth, whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me." Matthew 25:40

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fun Day #6

Well we just can't get enough-we went back for more roller skating! Iris loves it...and Asa... well he likes playing the video games and dancing to the music! This time we went with some of Iris and Asa's cousins and we had a great time! Skating really is a great workout...I actually worked up a sweat while I was there! When we left Iris asked when we were going back...I guess we will be going pretty often!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cute Chairs!

We just finished these chairs for some friends of ours...this is the "teen" size and they turned out really cute. They chose black w/ tan names so it would match their other outdoor furniture...but these can be done in most any color...$100 each!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fun Day #5

Well today was my birthday so I decided to make it a Fun Day for the whole family! Iris and Asa have never been roller skating so for my birthday that's what I wanted to do! It was so much fun! At first I didn't know if I would still know how to skate...but thank goodness I did...just a little slower than I use to be. Iris wasn't liking it too much to start off with, but after a while she got the hang of it and didn't want to leave. Asa and Kelly didn't even make it around one time I'll take plenty of quarters for the boys to play video games! We stayed a couple of hours and skated...we were definitely exhausted when we left!

It was a great birthday with my family!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Introducing...Pixie Rose Putnam!

For a couple of years now Iris and Asa have been begging for a puppy....and finally Kelly and I broke down and got one. This is Pixie Rose Putnam...she is 6 weeks old today and is the sweetest thing! A couple of weeks ago we surprised the kids when we showed up at the owners house where all of the puppies were...Iris and Asa couldn't believe it! This is the girl they picked out!

We are so happy to add Pixie to our family!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another Dirty Adventure!

This weekend Kelly and Asa went on another dirt bike riding trip! I know they have lots of fun when they go but I sure am glad when they get home. Asa is now riding the track all by himself without training wheels on his motorcycle....SCARY! It will take a couple of days to get all of the dirt off of them...I knew when I had a boy there would be days where dirt was involved...I just wasn't planning on this much...Oh well, that's what boys are suppose to do..PLAY IN THE DIRT!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!

History is not one of my favorite subjects but Sunday at church we got to hear a sermon by David Barton that was absolutely wonderful(you can go to and watch-there are 5 seperate sermons titled "Is America a Christian Nation")! America may not be much of a Christian nation anymore but it was founded as a Christian nation. It's so sad to hear how our leaders in the beginning looked to God and the bible for all of their answers and guidance and now God and the bible are hard to find...especially in politics! Bibles being taken out of schools is one of the biggest mistakes ever! Children need to know that God should be in every area of their lives...especially education. It's just so obvious that the more and more we take God out of our everything the less and less our country is blessed. Why can't people see that! Like Pastor Barton may not be able to change the world and the end may be sooner than you think...but while we are here we need to do all we can to make a difference!
Please pray for America and that we will once again become a Christian nation!

**Each year we take the kids up to the TN River to watch the fireworks from the Walnut Street
Bridge...we had such a good time...the kids loved it!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th!