This Is Why!

"I tell you the truth, whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me." Matthew 25:40

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Great Day!

Today I sent in our Group 1 paperwork to the adoption agency for our final approval along with a check for the Ethiopia program...I am so excited this step is over!

I can't tell you how long I have been staring at the paperwork on our dining room table. To have completed all of it is a big deal but to finally save up the money to send with it is even a bigger deal! Some days I felt like this was never going to happen. In these difficult times for us to save extra money is a miracle from God! I have come to realize even more that every penny we have is His and what we do with His money should be taken very seriously. We have changed so many things about the way we spend money. I really have tried to ask myself if what I am buying is something I "need" or just "want". It has made a huge difference in the way I spend money now. I've learned to get by on so much less! Kelly and I feel very blessed for how the Lord has taken care of us and we know that He has led us to this adoption and He will see us through!