I am writing this post because I want to express my feelings about being a stay at home mom. I've learned that there is always going to be someone who doesn't agree with you or understand you...when I was younger I would worry about what others thought of me...but thankfully I grew out of that...I know the only one I have to please or answer to is the one who holds my life in his hands...God!
Most of all I want others to know that I don't for one second take the fact that I get to be a stay at home mom for granted...I thank God every day for that extraordinary blessing! I know at any moment mine and Kelly's circumstances could change and I might have to go to work....so I cherish each day that I get to be home with my family. We had a couple speak at our church a while back and their story really touched me. Not only had they gone through some major struggles with their family but the wife also spoke about being a stay at home mom..which gave me encouragement for the choice I've made to be at home. She had gone to college and gotten her degree as a Nurse Practictioner. She loved working and her career but her husband really wanted her to stay home to raise their children. At first she said she even cried about having to leave her job and really didn't want to do that. Now, she says she is happier and more content than she's ever been.
Every now and then I will have someone ask me "what do you do all day?" I expect women who don't have children to ask this...but when it's an actual mom asking me that question...well I guess it kind of shocks me. I try not to let the question bother me but sometimes I don't understand how they could even wonder what I do all day. I don't get angry about it but I just feel so strongly about the choice I made to not work outside the home. The best way I can describe what I do all day is that this is when I get everything done that I need to....laundry, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, exercising, errands, doctor and dentist's appointments...that way when my kids get home from school I am all theirs. Once the kids get home from school Kelly and I only get a small amount of time with them so we don't want anything to take away from that time with them. When we were expecting Iris Anne we knew that we wanted me to be at home. Kelly and I both had moms that stayed at home and we wanted our children to have that same experience. I would do whatever it takes to provide for my family but as long as we can make it with me not working that is what we want to do. When I was a teenager my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's...he was only in his early 50's. My mom had to go to work to be able to afford insurance and other things we needed because my dad could no longer provide for us. My parents never planned on that happening to them...it was a complete shock to our entire family. My dad died when he was only 56 years old and I know from that personal experience that anything can happen at any time...there are no guarantees in life. I want to know that I spent as much time with my kids as possible because I know how fragile life is.
This post is also to let working moms out there know that they can stay home with their kids and make it work. It's not easy and yes it's a struggle...but I can promise you it is so worth it. If you look at mine and Kelly's situation you would never think we could have made it this long with only one of us working...but somehow we have....and we wouldn't change that. I couldn't think of anything in this world I would rather be doing. I must also say that I am truly blessed with a wonderful husband who lets me be the mom I want to be. He wouldn't want it any other way than to have me home with the kids...and I am so thankful for how hard he works to provide for our family. I remind Iris and Asa all of the time that God has blessed their dad with work so that I can be with them more. I want them to know that this is a great gift from God and not to take it for granted.
I guess when my kids are grown and out of the house I can go to work...I'm sure I will be looking for a way to spend all of that spare time I'll have...I don't even want to think about that right now!!!