I know it's been a while since I've posted any news on our adoption process...mainly because much hasn't really been happening...just waiting and praying. There are good days and bad days and lately I've let Satan sneak in and get the best of me. There are times when I know this adoption is absolutely going to happen but then there are times when I feel like it is so far out of reach. Right now it feels like we are just sitting still waiting for something to happen. We completed our home study and were told we would have to put a fence up around our pool before our HS could be approved...so we are trying to get that done asap. After that we will send our HS report and more paperwork to Gladney to get our formal approval to move forward. I never knew how difficult adoption was...I guess no one does until you begin that journey. I have never been on such an emotional roller coaster in my entire life. I find myself crying a lot...I recently saw some children in our community that were adopted from Ethiopia and it really made my heart ache for our child. I want so badly to be able to hold and love our child...I can't stop thinking about him or her. I am longing for them more and more each day. The money is coming in slowly...we are trying to save and sell items to raise our money...but it just seems impossible at times. Adoption is so expensive...but I know the Lord will provide the finances for us. He has gotten us this far in the process and I know He will see us through to the end.
Please just continue to pray for us....that the Lord will provide everything needed to get us through this adoption..and that we won't get discouraged along the way!