I am so excited to be writing this post! We finally sold our house! We put our house on the market about a year and a half ago and we really began to think that it wasn't ever going to sell. We actually took it off the market and a week later a couple called wanting to buy it...if that's not God working I don't know what is! We knew that to be able to afford to adopt we really needed to downsize and get rid of a lot of what we don't need!!! I know moving into a house that is half the size of the one we're use to is going to be difficult..but it will be soooooooooo worth it! That's one of the many things I've learned since we started this whole adoption journey...we put so much importance on material things...and in the end these things don't really matter at all! Kelly and I have had the nice new house and that's all great...but when you look at what it costs....it's just not worth it...there is so much more we could be doing with that money! Iris and Asa don't care where we live or what we have...their main question these days is "when are we getting our brother or sister?"...that's their only concern! Of course we like nice things...doesn't everyone...but to spend your life working to pay for something that isn't necessary just seems like a waste of time and money! This is a whole new journey for us....but we are are so excited to see what God is going to do in our lives!