This Is Why!

"I tell you the truth, whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me." Matthew 25:40

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Guilt and Shame!

Ordinary Hero~ A day in the trash dump in Ethiopia from Kelly Putty on Vimeo.

I am sitting here at 4am because I can't sleep. Kelly and I just moved our family into a rental house and the stress of getting everything in order overwhelms me at times. God led me to this video and it has really touched my heart. Over the past couple of weeks while we have been moving I have found myself complaining about things that I shouldn't. Trying to fit all of our stuff into this smaller house has been kind of a challenge. My garage is full, the attic is full, there isn't one inch in the house that isn't used. Wow...isn't that something to complain about! After watching this video and seeing those people living in a trash dump...well I can't even tell you the guilt I am feeling right now. How blessed we are to have so much and we take it all for granted. Since Kelly and I started this adoption process I have seen so many videos and read so much about the needy in the world...and it just breaks my heart. I am so ashamed and embarrassed of the way that so many of us live. It bothers me tremendously to see people(including myself) living their lives for things that don't matter. People walk around with a cell phone attached to their ear, kids and parents spend more time playing video games and being on the computer than spending quality time together, parents are working long hours to live a certain kind of lifestyle instead of being home with their family. We spend too much money on having the latest and the greatest gadgets, designer clothes and eating out way more than we should. We could get by on so much less! I want to somehow show my children how other people live and that there are so many that do without. Not only are people living without the basic necessities of life, they are also living without the love and attention they need....providing food and shelter is one thing but there is so much more a person needs. I know parents who spend more time on Facebook and playing the Wii than they do actually having a conversation or playing with their child...that is just sad! There are millions of orphans in this world that only want a parent to love them and then there are parents in the world that have these wonderful beautiful children and never give them their time.
I pray that one day we will all wake up and see how blessed we are to have all that we do and stop taking it all for granted!