I received a video from Tangle today...if you haven't watched it please click below to watch!
I could probably talk for days about my testimony but here is just a small portion of it...
This video really hit home when I saw it...I know what it's like to "go through the motions", to think that because you grew up in a good family or grew up going to church that you are fine...there's no way that you are hell bound...well that is so far from the truth and it took me until I was 27 years old to figure that out. One of the hardest things for me to do is to admit that if I had died one second before March 23,1999(the day I was saved) I would have gone to hell. Just to say that scares me more than anything in this world. Not only was I unsaved but I was living a life that death could have happened very easily. I was hanging out with the wrong crowd...in the wrong places...doing things that no person should ever do. I could have very easily lost my life and if I had...well right now I would be spending eternity in hell. I can honestly say that I have been saved by the GRACE of God! I grew up in church...went with my family from the time I was born until I was an adult...but that was not going to get me into heaven...when I finally gave my life over to the Lord and asked Him to come into my heart and be my personal Savior...that's when where I would spend eternity changed...and only then! The saddest thing to me is knowing that there are so many people who truly believe they are going to heaven because they are just good people...they have never done anything that bad...that has nothing to do with it...admitting that there was a time that you were going to hell and then making a decision to ask Jesus into your heart is the only way. If you know someone(and we all do) who truly needs to have Jesus in their heart and life please do something about it...before it's too late. It is a miracle that I lived through all of the things I've done in my life...God truly had His hand on me...or I would not be here today...I am proof that God can pull you out of the deepest,darkest times of your life and give you HOPE...hope of spending eternity with Him!
I am so blessed that God didn't give up on me...I owe EVERYTHING to Him!
(if you are going to view video make sure you go to bottom of this page and pause my playlist so you can hear it play!)