EASTER SUNDAY...yesterday we celebrated Easter...when you're a kid every holiday is so special and fun...it's hard to try and make your kids understand the true meaning of Easter but it is so important! It's so easy to get caught up in all the gifts, candy and other stuff...but at Easter I just really want Iris and Asa to understand what Jesus actually did for them. Some days I don't even realize what He did for me...but Easter is such a special time to really picture Jesus on the cross dying for our sins...we don't deserve what He did but because of His love for us we can spend eternity with Him!
This Is Why!
"I tell you the truth, whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me." Matthew 25:40
Monday, April 5, 2010
EASTER SUNDAY...yesterday we celebrated Easter...when you're a kid every holiday is so special and fun...it's hard to try and make your kids understand the true meaning of Easter but it is so important! It's so easy to get caught up in all the gifts, candy and other stuff...but at Easter I just really want Iris and Asa to understand what Jesus actually did for them. Some days I don't even realize what He did for me...but Easter is such a special time to really picture Jesus on the cross dying for our sins...we don't deserve what He did but because of His love for us we can spend eternity with Him!