On Monday my husband's dad passed away. This is such a difficult time...losing a parent is something that no one can really understand until they go through it personally. Unfortunately, this is something that I have also experienced, but I am so glad that I can be there for my husband during this sad time and help him through this.
My dad passed away when I was 17 years old...losing a parent when you are young is hard because there are so many memories that will never be shared. But losing a parent when you are older is just as hard because you have more memories, and that makes you miss them even more. Truth is...there is no good time to lose a parent!
There is something about losing a Dad. As children we think our dads are indestructible...they can do ANYTHING! I always thought my dad hung the moon and could do no wrong...there was nothing he couldn't fix. So when a parent becomes sick and can't fix their illness it is so hard to deal with.
My father in law was a man of very few words...in the ten years that I have been a part of that family there wasn't much that I ever heard him say...but my way of knowing what kind of man he was is by looking at his son. We are a reflection of our parents and I see the great man my husband is and I know that he must have been raised by a wonderful man who influenced him in such a special way. Also, it helps to hear from the people that knew our parents...and when they have good things to say about them it makes us even more proud to have them as our parents.
My children loved their Pappaw and they have a part of him in them and I can only hope that they will grow up to have the same great qualities he had as a person.
It's hard for small kids to understand what is going on but the sweet part is they know Pappaw is in heaven right now...and as Iris and Asa said "I bet Pappaw is up there fishing all of the time...or building houses with Pappaw Hoss!"...and you know what, he just might be!
We will miss you Pappaw!