We are still waiting to complete our adoption. There are still days that I don't believe it is going to happen. It has been 2 years since we started the process and it doesn't seem like we are any closer to bringing our child home...but I know we are getting there. This adoption had not been fast or easy...but I believe this is the way God planned it. It has taught me to be patient and put my trust in Him and just to know that He is in complete control. If this adoption had been easy I would not have learned near as much. God knows the exact day this will all come to an end and I've just got to let that be enough. People may wonder why it's taking so long...I wish I knew...but God knows and that's all that matters! Everything good that has ever happended in my life has always come after some sort of pain or struggle...which makes it that much sweeter in the end. We are still waiting for our dossier to go to Ethiopia...and when it does I will post it on the blog.
As for now, here are some pictures of what has been going on with our family the past couple of months.
Still WAITING...for a brother or sister!