This Is Why!

"I tell you the truth, whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me." Matthew 25:40

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Lately I haven't had anything to write about our's really been a difficult time. This is such an emotional thing to go through and there are days when I don't know if I can handle it. I am the type that once I get my heart set on something I just become fixated on it and I can't quit thinking about it. It's so hard to know there is a child just waiting on us and we are just sitting here and can't do anything about it. We are really struggling to come up with the funds for our adoption and some days we don't know where that money is going to come from....but we just know it WILL come...when God feels the time is right. I am bad about wanting what I want when I want it....I'm human...and most of us are that way. It's especially hard to have patience when it comes to providing a home and a family to a sweet child that is suffering. So many people ask us how the process is going and right now I just don't have a lot to say...just keep praying for our family. I don't want to have doubts about what we truly feel God has called us to's just hard to have faith sometimes.