My sweet baby girl turned 8 years old today. It is a wonderful day but it is also very sad to see her growing up so fast. It seems like just yesterday Kelly and I were in the hospital looking at each other and thinking "what do we do with this baby"!!! When Iris Anne was born it was the most amazing day...and the scariest day of our lives. Kelly and I had no idea what being a parent really meant until that moment...there is no way to ever prepare yourself for feeling that much love for another human being! I thank God each day that He has blessed us with this beautiful sweet daughter who means the world to us!
Today was all about Iris...we had such a fun day! The kids were out of school for a teacher work day...which worked out great! First, we served Iris her favorite breakfast...chocolate strudel...with a candle in it. Asa had her a card and gift which was really sweet! Then we headed to Atlanta to the American Girl store along with the grandmothers! I just love going to that store. This was Asa's first trip there and he even enjoyed it! Iris picked out a new doll...which she named "Chloe Anne". Asa even got a surprise for being such a sweet brother...a Perry the Platypus hat and toy.
When we got back home we enjoyed Iris's favorite dessert...key lime pie!
I hope Iris had a great birthday...I just wish they wouldn't come so fast!
Love you sweet Chickaboo!