FINALLY....Kelly and I went today to be fingerprinted for our FBI clearance. This is one of the first steps in the adoption process! It was kind of a strange experience....while we were being fingerprinted there was an inmate in a holding cell right next to where we were standing...he was looking out through a tiny hole and tried to talk to us...it was very sad. I don't know what he did to be there and I didn't want to know but it made me think of how we are all sinners, but people who don't accept Jesus Christ are just like those inmates sitting in a dark cell...they have no future. There are people that have everything: money, nice cars, big houses, anything you could possible want, but if they don't have Jesus in their life they are hopeless. Some of us who struggle each day to make it but have Jesus are so blessed. Some days I forget that ...I get down because of the financial struggles Kelly and I are facing right now...but then I remember that I know Jesus and there is nothing more in this world that I could ever need or want!
I just want to pray for those men and women who are sitting in the jails that have done horrible things to be there and they have no hope...they still deserve the chance to know God...no matter what we think about them they are still God's children and as long as they are alive they still have a chance at knowing God and having a future with Him!
My son Asa went with us today and it was hard explaining to him why people have to go to jail...kind of like explaining why people have to go to hell...those are very touchy subjects...but we will definitely be adding the inmates to our prayer list each night and I hope it will teach Asa that EVERYONE deserves God's forgiveness!
God bless!!
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of Gods grace....Ephesians 1:7